Year 13 Information

Information for Academic Year

To progress to Year 13 students will need to achieve the required threshold in their end of year exams/assessments, along with the Head of Departments approval in the relevant subject. Students continue with three subjects in Year 13 as well as PSHEE.

Enrolment for Year 13 will take place on 16th August. Please visit our enrolment page for further information.

Students in Year 13 also have enrichment and school life opportunities available to them.

The student voice is heard through mentor reps and the Senior Student Team at the 6th Form Council meetings.

The PSHEE sessions during Year 13 focus on plans for post 6th Form, whether this be University, Apprenticeships, Employment and Training, Further Education or a Gap Year.   There is a comprehensive system in place to support students with their onward destination following Post 16. This includes student finance talks, external speakers, Industry Guests and visits from local University Ambassadors.

A Life after 6th Form Talk for Parents and Students is held annually in February/March.

Useful websites are:

The Uni Guide

Discover Uni - Gov 

Parents, please find useful information below:

UCAS Parent Guide 

UCAS is the organisation that processes all full-time applications to UK universities and colleges. It is there to support you – as well as your son or daughter – through every step of the application process. UCAS sends all applicants a monthly newsletter, full of useful information, reminders, advice and competitions. But did you know you can get information from UCAS too?

You can sign up to monthly parent newsletters quickly and simply online. They’re completely FREE and contain timely information and advice about your son or daughter’s journey to higher education and what you can do to support them.

For further information about the UCAS process, take a look at the advice for parents on

Student Loans Information

Visit the Student Finance website or The Student Room for further information.

The Student Room

Government Information

Ucas Finance

Save the Student Finance Guide

How do student loans work?

Which? University

The Parent's Guide to University

Complete Student Finance Guide


Government Information on Apprenticeships

Apprentice Kent

Not Going to Uni

Results Day


Please click here for What Happens Next.

Should you have any queries please contact the 6th Form directly on