School Uniform

Our branded uniform can be purchased from Barnums Schoolwear, Unit 2, 14-16 William Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5EJ. 01227 365220. Other, non-branded pieces of uniform can be purchased at a range of retailers. We also have a nearly new uniform provision available from the school at no cost.

There is a strict policy on school uniform at Herne Bay High School which must be adhered to by all students. Our school uniform is gender neutral and as such all items of uniform can be worn by any students. Students must wear the general school uniform around school and the PE uniform only for PE, Dance, or other physical related activities.

All students must wear a blazer, shirt and tie

  • Plain black blazer with the school badge (the school badge can be purchased separately if you wish to purchase the blazer from another outlet, alternatively, you can buy the blazer with badge from Barnums)
  • A plain white shirt (short or long sleeve) with a 'classic' collar’ and a top button which should be done up for the whole day (not a revere collar)
  • The school tie related to the year group to which the child belongs. The school tie should be worn at the correct length with the top Heron logo showing below the knot when the tie is done up (tie is available from Barnums)

Optional uniform that can be worn underneath the school blazer:

  • The school's branded, plain V-neck black pullover with the school logo (available from Barnums)
  • The school's branded cardigan with the school logo (available from Barnums)

All students can choose from trousers or skirts

  • Formal, black, professional trousers which must be worn with black socks only,
  • Black pleated school skirt which can be purchased from any suitable outlet, alternatively, you can buy the school skirt from Barnums.
  • Plain black tights, black or white socks may be worn with the school skirt


  • Closed, flat, black shoes that must not have any logos or any other colour

Prohibited items

​Students must not wear the following items under any circumstances

  • Jeans
  • Jeggings
  • Leggings
  • Culottes
  • Skorts
  • Cotton drill trousers
  • Tracksuit bottoms
  • Skin-tight trousers with no 'flare'
  • Shorts (including the PE shorts)
  • Tight, straight cut Lycra mini skirts
  • Designer wear or clothes with large or coloured logos

Seasonal adjustments

As a general rule, the blazer is always compulsory. Students may choose to wear an additional sweater or cardigan underneath it

Students may wear a plain, dark coloured coat over their blazer if it is very cold. Coats must not be worn inside the buildings.

If the weather if forecast to be extremely warm, the principal will advise parents that the blazer is no longer compulsory and students may attend school in their shirt with or without the school jumper or cardigan. The school tie must continue to be worn with the shirt all year round.
Students may NOT use this as an opportunity to wear a variety of garments in place of the blazer. If it is warm enough for just a cardigan or jumper, the school variety must be worn. If it is inclement enough for a coat, the blazer should be worn with or without a coat.
The principal's decision allows for the blazer to be left at home; it does not ban the blazer from the school site. Some children may feel happier to simply wear their blazer all year round and this is perfectly acceptable.

Other Uniform Expectations


Herne Bay High School recognises that make up can be an important part of a person's identity and supports them in presenting themselves to the world in the way they wish to be seen. Herne Bay High is not a 'no make-up' school, however, make-up, if worn, should be in keeping with the professional workplace, should not 'adultify' students and should not prevent a student from coming to school on time, being able to access the curriculum, cause offence or not be in the child's best interests. Herne Bay High School has the following expectations of students regarding make-up:

  • It should be discreet and minimal and should create a 'natural' look
  • Hair colour must be in the natural range
  • Nails should be kept short and natural in appearance
  • Extreme haircuts/styles/colours as determined by the Principal are not permitted
  • Acrylic/gel nails, other nail extensions, unnaturally coloured nails or any other nail enhancement are not permitted
  • Visible tattoos (permanent or temporary) are not permitted
  • False eye lashes are not permitted


Herne Bay High School recognises that some Jewellery is accepted in the workplace and therefore students are permitted to wear

  • 1 pair of studs in ear lobes
  • 1 wristwatch (digital or analogue, but NOT smart/cellular)

All other jewellery is not permitted under any circumstances.

Please note that students will be required to remove/take out any non-permissible jewellery including

  • ANY facial piercings including clear retainers
  • Bracelets, rings, necklaces

These items will be confiscated and will need to be collected by the student at the end of the day.

Religious Items

Some students may choose to wear a Hijab, or other garments related to their faith. In this situation, students must ensure that their face is visible to support communication with other students and staff. Hijabs worn should be dark in colour and all efforts must be made to ensure they are worn safely particularly regarding

  • Naked flames in Science
  • Using machinery in Technology or Food technology
  • PE, Dance, and Drama.

The school follows the Department for Education advice regarding dealing with uniform issues, and therefore, should a student breach the school’s uniform policy, this will be seen as defiance of school rules and a failure to abide by the terms of the Home/School Agreement that all students and parents/carers agreed to when they joined the school. As such the student will be subject to school sanctions, including the issuing of points and, if the situation is deemed to demand it, they may be removed from their normal classes. In addition, following Department for Education advice, for serious or repeated breaches of the school’s uniform policy, the student may face exclusion even if the student does not otherwise display poor behaviour (see

Physical Education Uniform

Physical Education is an integral part of the curriculum, and it is essential that students change for the lessons. The clothing listed below is required by all students taking part in PE/Games: Please ensure that all items of uniform and PE kit are clearly marked with your child’s name.

PE Kit can be purchased from Barnums. Please note that a discount of £20 (£10 HBHS/£10 Barnums) is given if you purchase the sports kit consisting of polo/shorts or skort/socks, mid-layer and jogging pants.

  • Red polo shirt with school badge
  • Black shorts with school badge
  • Black skorts with school badge
  • Black socks with red top
  • Black jogging pants with school badge (optional)
  • Black mid layer top with school badge (optional)
  • Black rain jacket with school badge and HBHS on back (optional)
  • Plain black SPORTS leggings may be worn for PE lessons for students in all year groups. These can have logos, but they must be smaller than palm sized and CANNOT have any mesh or cut out areas.

All students should have a pair of clean indoor trainers to use in the indoor facilities (gymnasium, sports hall, climbing wall, fitness suite). Plimsolls or similar flimsy cloth or canvas shoes are not suitable for PE lessons as they offer no foot support. Students must have appropriate trainers or running shoes.

  • A pair of outdoor trainers and/or football boots are required for outdoor lessons
  • Shin pads are advisable for football and hockey
  • A gum shield is advisable for hockey and rugby

Showers: A towel will be required when a shower is necessary

Swimming: A swimming costume will be required for students involved in swimming during PE lessons

It is essential that students bring their PE kit to change into even if they are not taking part in PE lessons due to illness/injury. This enables them to take part in a non-participatory role, ie umpiring, refereeing etc.

Uniform for Dance

All students in KS3 study dance and students in KS4 and 5 study dance under the options

KS3 Dancers

  • Students are required to wear the usual PE uniform.

KS4 Dancers

  • Dancers can wear the PE uniform
  • Dancers can wear their GCSE Dance tops


  • Dancers can wear appropriate kit in line with the activities they are conducting. When not dancing, KS5 students are required to adhere to the sixth form dress code
  • Full Pathway Dance students are not required to dress in formal wear on a Friday
  • For all practical lessons, dancers should wear appropriate kit such as a BTEC t-shirt, black white, navy, or grey bottoms. This may include dance trousers, leggings, shorts, or lycra/cotton bootleg trousers.

For assessment/performance, dancers should wear a plain black top or black leotard, and black bottoms (no logos).

Sixth Form

Students in our sixth form are not required to wear the school uniform and may choose what to wear to school. However they must take great care to dress appropriately for the environment remembering that

  • School is a professional work space
  • Some subjects may require them to wear appropriate clothing, such as Science, PE, or Dance

The aim of the Sixth Form Dress Code is to encourage pride in the school and encourage dress appropriate for the workplace. A dress code is important as it helps to ensure there is respect for the school community. As role models to younger students within the school, it is important that our sixth form students are dressed suitably for an educational setting. Therefore, the dress code and appearance of sixth formers must reflect their senior position within the school and be appropriate for a school and learning environment.

Senior students are expected to uphold and embody the standards expected of students in the lower years. We aim to develop and nuture a sense of self responsibility in our students, and this includes being prepared for learning. Additionally, at Herne Bay High School, we believe that it is important for students to understand how to dress smartly in preparation for the world of work/interviews and formal occasions.

General Sixth Form Dress Code:

  • Modest and appropriate dress for the workplace
  • The Sixth Form Lanyard and ID Card must be worn and visible at all times whenever on site - this is part of our safeguarding practice
  • Hair must be within the natural range
  • Make-up should be discreet and professional
  • Tattoos must be covered
  • Facial piercings should not be visible, including nose rings
  • Outfits should not reveal too much flesh and show a midriff/stomach/back e.g. crop tops or halter necks
  • Underwear should not be visible either through clothing or due to the length of clothing
  • Jeans with rips above the knee
  • Hot pants
  • Inappropriate slogan clothing
  • Flip Flops/Beach style shoes
  • Beach/Skimpy style shorts, e.g. frayed, torn denim

Formal Friday

Herne Bay High Sixth Form operates a 'Formal Friday' initiative to support students in understanding how to dress in more formal workplace settings. This is designed to help prepare them for a wider range of career opportunities.

Senior students should wear clothing more akin to the whole school uniform on a Friday, and choose garments appropriate for formal offices. Formal attire is required for all trips/visits.

We do not require specific genders to wear a specific dress code, however, the following would be recommended:

  • Formal/professional trousers worn with a smart top, and appropriate smart shoes
  • Formal/professional trousers, dress or skirt combination, worn with an appropriate top and appropriate smart shoes.
  • Skirts should be of a professional length

Please note - it is the right of the senior members of staff to determine whether a particular item of dress is appropriate for Sixth Form or not. Students who attend inappropriately dressed may be asked to go home and change.

On Fridays, students should not wear:

  • Denim/Jeans or trainers
  • Hoodies or body warmers

Pathways/Academy Students

Pathway and Academy Students undertaking practical subjects - Art, Dance, Drama, Football, Rugby and Sport - may wear their Academy attire for the practical work through the week including Friday. They can, or course, choose to wear formal dress if they wish.

Required Equipment

In addition to school uniform, students are also expected to bring the following equipment with them for learning: (All items of equipment can be purchased from the school, either via School Gateway or from the School Shop, housed in the LRC)

  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Rubber
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Protractor and pair of compasses (full geometry set is not needed)
  • Scientific calculator - the school recommends the Casio fx-83GTCW, which can be purchased from the school via the parent portal or alternatively bought online.

Infographic showing what equipment is required at school