February Half Term
Herne Bay High School is a hugely popular and oversubscribed school that prides itself on its culture of high expectations and values. We are passionate about ensuring every child, regardless of their cultural, social and academic background, is given the opportunity to reach their full academic potential whilst supporting them to develop as a mature, confident and rounded individual ready to flourish in a rapidly developing world.
Students at Herne Bay High School are successful, and this is demonstrated by their excellent examination results, their renowned involvement in a wide range of sporting and creative performances and by the number who are now going on to further and higher education including Oxbridge.
Throughout their time at Herne Bay High School, students are provided with outstanding advice, support and guidance to help them progress and grow academically, socially and emotionally. We all recognise and celebrate diversity and understand that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is inappropriate for the unique individuals in our care. The high standards set by our enthusiastic and talented staff, not only in their subject specialist teaching, but as members of a well ordered, caring and kind community, are all integral to the overall success of the school.
Our core values of Kindness, Respect and Dedication are a central belief, clearly understood and shared by every member of the school community. These values are lived and breathed by staff and will be embedded in every part of a student’s school journey over the seven years they could be with us.
It reflects our commitment to getting the very best from your child. We set the highest standards for everyone who is part of the Herne Bay High School family; staff, students, parents or carers and the wider local community, as we recognise the role each has to play in a child’s success.
Whether you are reading this as an existing parent of the school, a potential parent, a visitor or prospective employee, I hope you will find what you need and get a flavour of what we are about. You may also be interested in following us on Facebook and Twitter, which will keep you informed of all that we do.