Alumni (life after Herne Bay)

Students are fully supported during Year 12 and 13 to help guide their onward journey following their time at Herne Bay High 6th Form.  

We aim for all students to be ready to move into life in modern Britain. Our school core values are Kindness, Respect and Dedication and these are promoted along side the British Values of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Our CEIAG programme is delivered throughout a student's time in 6th Form and we meet all the Gatsby benchmarks.  Please see our CEIAG information for further details.

The potential destination routes are wide and varied.  Here are some examples of possible options:

  • Go Straight into university to study further at home or abroad
  • Continue into further vocational studies through higher education facilities such as HNC/HND
  • Research Sponsored Degrees or School Leavers' Programmes
  • Straight into employment at home or abroad
  • Continue into apprenticeship, internship or scholarship schemes with employers 
  • Gap Year – a range of opportunities to travel/work/study with an excellent CV of skills and experiences

Students have access to an array of information in the Learning Resources Library, The 6th Form Area, East Kent Business Partnership, Unifrog, as well as being able to speak with experts at the National Careers Service on 0800 100 900 or click here to visit the website.  Get the Jump brings together Post 16 and Post 18 Information. Please click here.

UnifrogThe school has partnered with Unifrog to help students with their future plans. Unifrog is an online platform that supports secondary schools to deliver their statutory duty to provide students with impartial and independent guidance on the full range of post-school options.

The platform is particularly helpful because it is the only place students can compare every undergraduate university course in the UK as well as international opportunities. Additionally, the Unifrog platform allows students to access FE courses and the most comprehensive list of apprenticeships available across the country, including higher, SP and degree apprenticeships.

Once students have explored their interests and compared the full range of pathways available to them, Unifrog provides one place for students to draft all materials needed for applications such as CVs or Personal Statements. All students in Years 7-13 will have access to this website, in keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next step after school.

To log in for the first time, students need a sign-up code which is unique to their form group.

Unifrog is a whole-school platform for KS3, KS4 and KS5 which allows teachers to track their pupils' progress and keep a record of their research and careers interactions. It makes it easy for teachers to collaborate with students on finding their best next step for them. They're able to provide feedback on applications such as CVs or Personal Statements as well as writing their subject references.

If you would like more information on Unifrog please visit their website:

Work Experience

All 6th Form students undertake a week of work experience in Year 12 and we encourage students to focus on work experience within their career aim. We also work with the DWP to deliver one day careers courses with industry sector contact.

6th Form students receive a weekly newsletter containing a vast amount of information covering all aspects of future careers and opportunities.  

Further Information

Find out about different options by searching 12 careers sectors full of advice and information such as salaries you can expect to earn, the types of jobs available and what your options are with, or without, a degree, click here

Look through careers to find out what each job involves and the qualifications and skills that are most needed, click here

Herne Bay High School holds an annual careers fair, which enables students to network with specialists in the industry sector. Additionally during PSHEE we have industry speakers.

University Information

There are a number of different undergraduate degrees available.  Some of the more commonly known ones are:

Foundation Degree 

Bachelor of Arts - BA Hons

Bachelor of Science - BSC

Bachelor of Engineering - BEng

Bachelor of Law and LLB Hons

A-Z of degrees – how many?

There are over 37,000 undergraduate courses at over 370 providers in the UK.

However, for more information visit:

Why go to uni? - click here

What University - click here

WhichUni - click here

Studential - click here

Uk Course Finder - click here

Discover Uni - click here

Clearing Information - click here

For further information on Ucas  - Please click here

Ucas offer a large number of videos providing additional information on the University process - click here

Ucas parent Guide - please click here

Open Day Information - click here

Conservatoire Information - Please click here

Thinking of studying Medicine - Please click here

Russell Group Information - Please click here

Informed Choices - Please click here

Oxbridge Information - Please click here

Student Finance Information - Please click here

Student Finance England - Please click here

Student Finance Parent Guide - Please click here

Unitaster Guide - Please click here

Aspire Information - Please click here

Success at School University Guide 2023/24 - Please click here

UKC Guide Please click here

University Degrees Abroad

Looking for Undergraduate opportunities abroad - for further information click here.

A complete University guide for studying overseas - for further information click here.

Higher Education in Further Education

If you are looking for a work-related qualification that will advance your career, give you practical skills and can lead on to higher education, HNC and HND courses are a great option. Higher National Certificates and Higher National Diplomas are job-related qualifications that are highly valued by employers.

Sponsored Degrees or School Leavers' Programmes

Employers call their school leaver programmes all sorts, from training programmes and undergraduate apprenticeships to sponsored degree programmes. 

Sponsored degree programmes are school leaver schemes that focus on the fact that you’ll get a degree as part of the programme. As well as studying for a degree at university, students are often regarded as permanent employees of the company and receive a salary. For further information, click here.

School Leavers Schemes are an alternative path to university.  Most companies require good A Level grades.  In addition, some request applicants complete on line aptitude/verbal and non verbal reasoning tests. The schemes are offered in a range of industries.  For further information click here

Some examples are:

The Deloitte Brightstart scheme - click here

The BDO Programme  - click here

The Nestle Academy - click here

Ucas provides information on Sponsored Degrees/Degree Apprenticeships - click here

Work Experience/

Volunteering or




Work Experience/Volunteering - Doing unpaid work experience, also known as volunteering, can bring you great rewards. Work experience gives you the chance to learn new skills and improve those you already have.

For further information - click here

Do Something - click here

BBC Work Experience - click here

An internship provides direct experience of working in a particular role and is usually undertaken by those who know what type of job they want to do

For further information - click here

All Level 3 , Year 12 students undertake a week of work experience, which they must source in July. 


Students have the option of applying for employment direct.  Alternatively starting up a business and being self-employed is possible.

Get My First Job - click here

For further information - click here

Need further help - click here


Typically, for an Intermediate Apprenticeship you will need a number of GCSEs grades A* to C with, ideally, English and Maths being two of those subjects.

For an Advanced Apprenticeship you will need at least 5 GCSEs with grades A* to C with, ideally, English and Maths being two of those subjects and some employers will prefer you to also have some Level 3 qualifications e.g. A Levels, BTEC.

For a Higher Apprenticeship you will need at least 2 A Levels.

You might also be able to gain entry to an Apprenticeship even if you have lower grades, as a training provider might assess your general ability as being of the right level to get started.

For further information click here

Government Information click here

Apprenticeship Guide click here

Amazing Apprenticeships Parent Information click here

Amazing Apprenticeship Parent Pod  click here

Amazing Apprenticeships Parent Podcast click here

Amazing Apprenticeships Student Guide click here

Apprenticeship Vacancies click here

Kent Apprenticeships click here

Ucas Apprenticeship Information  click here

Ucas Apprenticeship Parent Guide Click here

Higher and Degree Apprenticeship Info (Which) click here

NGTU/Amazing Apprenticeships Podcast click here


Gap Year

A gap year can be almost anything a student would like it to be.  Here are some websites to provide inspiration:

Gap Year: Click here

Gap Year Travelling Benefits: Click here 

Projects Abroad: Click here

Camp America: Click here

Year Out: Click here

Further Information - alternatives to uni

Get my First Job: Click here

Not Going to Uni: Click here

Target Careers - Parent Information: Click here

Career Mag: Click Here

Success at Schools Parent Guide: Click here

Future Learn - Career Planning: Click here

Life After 6th Form Talk - Information

Post 16 Pathways CXK Ltd Click here

Options Magazine Click here