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Application & Guidance - 6th Form student parking permits

Students who live more than 1 mile from school may apply for a student parking permit bi termly (dates below) by clicking here If you have been granted a permit it will be e mailed to your school account, for you to print and display in your windscreen.

The number of student permits issued is restricted. Permits are allocated on a first come first served basis initially but where the demand for permits exceeds availability then a needs based points system will be employed to decide who will be allocated a permit. A student permit covers a 2-3 month period as indicated on the parking permit.

Students who are the holders of a Student Parking Permit are only allowed to park in the designated 6th Form Bays in the Bay Arena Car Park.  As you enter the Arena Car Park, turn left and the Bays are numbered 1 - 12.

Motor Cycles – please use the designated bike bays. A permit is still required. 

Application Dates

Permit One         03/09/2024 - 20/12/2024
Permit Two         06/01/2025 - 04/03/2025
Permit Three      22/04/2025 - 23/05/2025
Permit Four        02/06/2025 - 23/07/2025

Information for all Permit holders

The roads within the school site, although private property, may be used by the public and therefore come within the definition of roads in the Road Traffic Acts. Accordingly, they are subject to the general law regulating road traffic.

You are not entitled to park:
• In a disabled bay, without an official blue badge
• On hatched areas
• Dangerously or causing an obstruction
• On double yellow lines
• On cycle lanes
• On grass or other landscaped areas

You must display the permit in your vehicle at all times when parked on the school site, in the bottom of the driver’s side of your windscreen. Failure to display your permit breach these conditions and your permit may be withdrawn.

Please note there will be occasions when the Car Park is being used for school events and will not be available. You will be notified of any such closure by e mail.

Expired permits must be returned to the 6th Form Office, Herne Bay High School.

Students are not allowed to bring a motor cycle/vehicle on to the school site during the normal school day unless they have a valid student parking permit.  Any member of the public, including all students may park at weekends without the need for a permit.

If you are not successful in obtaining a parking permit and therefore park in the surrounding residential area, please park considerately and provide the school with your vehicle registration/make/model and colour. As a community school we work hard to maintain a good relationship with local residents and would like this to continue.