
Zero Tolerance

We adopt a zero tolerance approach to bullying and will react quickly to any reports we receive.  

Pupils are regularly reminded of the need to report bullying of any kind to an adult or through any of the numerous ways listed below.  Pupils will also have been told of the distinction between bullying and conflict between friendship groups.

Students are encouraged to report their concerns to a teacher, their Head of Year, Student Support Manager or a trusted adult. They can also use our dedicated email address, which is monitored throughout the day.

We employ a range of tried and tested anti-bullying strategies including:

Head of Year/Student Support Managers – our dedicated team are there to listen, advise and act on any reports of bullying swiftly.  Liaising with parents of those bullying others and those feeling bullied.

CCTV - our site is widely covered by CCTV which supports us in identifying issues and keeping students safe.

Kent Child Centred Policing Team - the CCPT offer us on site support and weekly clinics to address issues. They work with victims and aggressors to educate and rehabilitate. 

Wellbeing support - students that are the victims of bullying are offered wellbeing support in many forms. Our wellbeing teams identify students who would benefit from additional interventions. These can be internal support groups or referrals to external agencies. Wellbeing and Student Support - Herne Bay High School

Break, lunchtime, before and after school supervision – staff in high visibility jackets on duty at all social times are available to deal with any issues that are reported to them.

Access to indoor areas – specified rooms are available to pupils that feel they would prefer to spend their breaks and lunchtimes in a quiet indoor space supervised by members of staff.

Assemblies – We deliver pupil led drama anti-bullying assemblies, in which the key message is to have the courage to speak up.  Pupils are told that if it is not reported then it cannot be dealt with.

Dedicated e-mail address - students can use our dedicated safeguarding e-mail address for students to report any incident. The address is

We firmly believe that the systems that are in place are robust and effective, however all rely on the school being informed of a situation occurring. Pupils in all instances are encouraged to tell someone if they are experiencing bullying.

What is bullying?

Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.

If you are being bullied in any way or are worried about somebody else who might be you must tell somebody. As a school we take bullying very seriously. Pupils and parents should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.

Bullying behaviour can be:

  • Physical – pushing, poking, kicking, hitting, biting, taking someone’s belongings.
  • Verbal – name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, threats, teasing, belittling, racist or sexist comments.
  • Emotional – isolating others, tormenting, hiding books, threatening gestures,  ridicule, humiliation, intimidating, excluding, manipulation and coercion, tormenting, graffiti.
  • Sexual – unwanted physical contact, inappropriate touching, abusive comments, homophobic abuse, exposure to inappropriate films, comments relating to sex or sexuality.
  • Online/cyber – posting on social media, sharing photos, sending nasty text messages, social exclusion.
  • Indirect – Can include the exploitation of individuals, spreading rumours, sending abusive texts, excluding somebody from a group.

Many of these types of bullying can take place in the online environment and this is known as “online abuse” eg. misuse of all areas of the Internet, inappropriate messaging and emailing, sending offensive or degrading images by phone or via the Internet, misuse of any social media.

If there are any serious offences reported this information may be given to other agencies to assist in helping you with your problem. For advice on cyberbullying go to the following website:

What will happen if you tell a member of staff?

They will listen to you and offer support.  They can talk to the person who is bullying you (if you agree) and hopefully stop the bullying.

What to do if you see bullying

  • Comfort, support and stay with the victim
  • Tell the victim to report the incident
  • Tell somebody (e.g. a teacher) what you have seen
  • If you are in a group where one member is bullying, show that you disapprove, because by doing nothing you support the bully

Anti-Bullying advice

  1. Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself
  2. Set yourself limits and boundaries with social media
  3. Understand that intentional, inappropriate comments are NOT banter
  4. Be more tolerant of others
  5. Always stand up for what you believe is right
  6. Try to have empathy and sympathy towards others
  7. Encourage people to resolve issues calmly
  8. Be confident to report bullying confidentially
  9. Always think about the consequences of your actions
  10. Remember we have a zero tolerance approach to bullying

Anti-Bullying Week

As a school we will support the National Anti-Bullying Week, that takes place each year.  This year Anti-Bullying Week is Monday 11 - Friday 15 November 2024 and targeted assemblies led by the Kent Child Centred Policing Team.

Anti-Bullying Week 2024: Choose Respect


Bullying will not be tolerated at Herne Bay High School
Report it so that we can sort it.


View the Safeguarding page on our website


View our Anti Bullying and Behaviour Policies in full on our Policies page