Information for Families


Moving from primary to secondary is an exciting as well as a daunting time for your child. It is an important milestone and there are new expectations for your child to cope with regarding independent working and self-organisation. 

Being concerned about forming new friendships and settling into classes is normal. Some students cope with this change better than others. If your child finds things challenging, it is important that you do not over react but offer a sympathetic ear and advice, as children do settle into school surprisingly quickly. If you have any concerns that your child is finding things difficult then please do not hesitate to contact the school.


Many children need support to become more independent and there are a number of key tasks that they must do:

  • Getting up on time
  • Getting dressed, washed and ready to walk out of the door with everything they need
  • Leaving the house to get to the bus-stop on time or getting to school by 8.30 am.
  • Being in the right place at the right time at the end of school
  • Going straight home
  • Knowing what to do if you or they are delayed for any reason 

You can support this by:

  • Timing the journey to school or the bus-stop
  • Making it clear what time you expect your child home, and what to do if they are held up for any reason
  • Making sure the child and school have your correct contact details, especially if you change your mobile number
  • Agreeing a routine for the morning and after school. When will they pack their bag? Who will make the packed lunch and when?
  • Agreeing a bed-time for school days to ensure your child has enough sleep – their learning will be affected by tiredness (i.e. an average child will need about 10 hours per night).


You must make sure your child knows the school rules regarding uniform (including jewellery, make-up, hoodies and trainers). Help them to take responsibility by:

  • Making sure everything is ready to put on the evening before
  • Making sure a full PE kit is taken to school on the day it is needed.
  • Naming everything, even shoes – you will be amazed at what children lose!
  • Having spares of essentials at home when things get mislaid.
  • Ensure they leave the house in the correct uniform.
  • Encouraging your child to hang up their uniform straight after school.

Our full uniform policy can be found on our website


Many children are concerned about coming to Herne Bay High School because it is a very large secondary school.  We aim to ease this concern by guiding your child around the school and helping them to get used to life at their new school.

You can help by:

  • Making a copy of your child’s timetable for display at home with the subjects and classrooms highlighted, so you and your child can refer to it.
  • Encourage your child to learn the lessons they have on each day so that they can become independent.
  • Make sure they know what to do if they are late or lost.
  • Ensure your child wears a watch to school.


Your child will need to be properly equipped for school, which includes a bag.

  • Please check each morning that your child has their swipe card as this is essential for purchasing food in the canteen and for printing work. It is a vital piece of equipment that should be brought to school every day.
  • In addition, students also require a pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, pencil sharpener, protractor and pair of compasses (full geometry sets are available to buy via the school priced at £1.80).
    Students also require a scientific calculator - the school recommends the Casio fx-83GTCW, which can be purchased from the school via the parent portal or bought online.
  • All homework will be set by staff using the Microsoft Teams platform which can be accessed via the Student tab on the school’s home page.
  • If there is any problem with homework, or you need clarification of the task, please contact the school.
  • Agree a routine for homework:
    • Start homework the night it is set
    • Start homework after a short break when your child arrives home from school.
    • Provide a suitable quiet area to work.
    • Agree with your child that TV, and other activities, will only be possible after homework is done.
    • It is important to establish routines and you must be prepared to invest the time and support your child by setting time aside to review the task and the completed homework.


Please check the school website for upcoming events, policies and information about supporting your child. Please sign up to the School Gateway app that provides parents with information on students’ attendance, behaviour and achievements. Please ensure the school has your current email address and mobile phone number as these are our primary methods of communicating information to families.

If you have any further questions regarding the transition to Herne Bay High School, please email

Presentation to Families - June 2024

Catching the bus to school - Parent FAQs