Course Leader: Ms N Taylor
The Travel and Tourism industry is ever-changing and responding to world-wide challenges and developments. The BTEC in Travel and Tourism that is offered as part of our Sixth Form provision provides students with the skills and confidence they need to profess into a vibrant, exciting career in one of the world's largest industries.
During the course, we offer a variety of extra-curricular activities such as trips and visits. We actively encourage students to participate in work-related activity including work tasters, volunteering, or a work placement. This provides students with the opportunity to develop their career choices; experience the world of work and develop employability skills.
In Key Stage 5 students can opt to study the Level 3 BTEC National Extended Certificate in Travel and Tourism. This two-year course comprises of two examination units and two coursework units. Students study The World of Travel and Tourism, Global Destinations and the Principles of Marketing and Tourism, plus an optional unit.
BTEC 2019 Specification (