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Farewell from our Senior Student Team

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Farewell from our Senior Student Team
7 Jun

We would firstly like to say what an honour it has been to be the senior student team for 2023-24. As a team, we (Martha Corbishley and Luke Cope (Head Students) and Arthur Rose, Brooke Olson, and Grace March (Deputy Head Students)) have grown as individuals and learnt more about ourselves that we will take on to the future. This time last year, we stepped into the roles as senior student team - it has been an amazing journey that we will always remember.

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At the beginning of our time as the senior student team, we supported the awards evening where we celebrated students' achievements and ended the evening with Martha and Luke delivering a speech.

During the summer we welcomed a selection of students who would be joining Year 7 in September. We helped them to become comfortable at Herne Bay High to ensure they were confident in joining.

Our next task was welcoming parents and future students for Open Evening. To support this, we also filmed various videos on our experience at Herne Bay High School and why students should choose our school.

In November, we represented the school at the Remembrance Day Service and joined the civic parade to the Memorial Park with other local groups to lay wreaths.

Throughout the academic year, we chaired multiple meetings for the student council where students from all years groups were able to express their ideas and changes that will support them in their school journey. One aim for this school year was to become more involved in our local community, so in December we visited the Miramar Care Home where we spoke to residents. We extremely enjoyed this and it was amazing to hear the residents' stories and how much they looked forward to seeing us.

Alongside the student council meetings, we met with Mr Boyes on multiple occasions to discuss the ideas students had in the student council and how we could incorporate this into our schooling. We also discussed the success of our events such as Children in Need and Red Nose Day. These meetings also allowed us a team to recognise that changes take time and persistence to happen.

Our last duty as the Senior Student Team was to appoint our successors. Martha and Luke assisted Mr Boyes, Mrs Wrigley, and Rob Buchanan with 6 interviews. We were amazed with the candidates who all showed individual qualities that will lead them all to a successful future. After discussion, we are delighted to announce the new Senior Student Team: Sacha, Morgan, Harriet and Vanessa. Congratulations to all of you and we wish you all the success in your journey as the Senior Student Team for 2024 to 2025.

To complete our roles as the Senior Student Team, we will be hosting the Year 13 Prom on the 5th July. We look forward to welcoming students and teachers to celebrate the end of the year and enjoy a Las Vegas themed night.

We would like to thank everyone who has helped us with our roles and supported us during our sixth form journey. Thank you to Rob Buchanan for his involvement with the school council and ensuring students have a chance to contribute to positive changes in school.  We would like to especially thank Mrs Wrigley for always supporting us as individuals and as a Senior Student Team with our weekly ‘catch ups’. Thank you to Mr Boyes and the Sixth form team for giving us this opportunity and for your support. Thank you to all students with your support in providing us with your voice on ways we can help your school experience, we wish you every success on your journey.  
