16+ Bursary

The 16-19 Bursary Fund is paid by the Education Funding Agency (EFA) to schools and colleges so that they may provide financial help to students. Discretionary Bursaries are awarded to meet individual needs – they are targeted at students who cannot stay in education without financial help for things like, transport, meals, books and equipment.

The fund is divided into two elements:

Vulnerable Groups - for young people in one of the defined groups

  • A Young Person in Care
  • A Care Leaver
  • a young person in receipt of a Universal Credit Payment in their own name
  • a disabled young person in receipt of employment and support allowance and Personal Independence Payment in their own name

Discretionary Fund – A young person who has actual financial needs to overcome financial barriers to participate in education.

Students may apply multiple times during Year 12 or 13 for either fund. 

Funds are limited and once spent, the fund will be closed. 

The application form is available by clicking here and should be completed and submitted. If a subsequent application is made in year and there are no change of circumstances, applicants are not required to resubmit evidence. 

The application cannot be processed without supporting evidence, Please e mail any of the relevant supporting evidence to the e-mail below.

E-mail supporting evidence to bursary@hernebayhigh.org

Students may apply for financial assistance which is directly linked to their education. For Example:

  • Books - revision guides/wider reading
  • Course materials not provided by school 
  • Equipment - such as art materials/stationery
  • Meals 
  • Sports Kit 
  • Travel costs - train/bus
  • Work Experience Expenditure eg travel costs/ formal clothing

Please ask your son/daughter to speak with their subject teachers for guidance on equipment/books that may aid their learning. Please note as a school, we endeavour to provide all mandatory text books.  

In addition, - you may be eligible for Free School Meals - please complete the Kent County Council Online form. If you are in receipt of certain benefits or your household income is below £16190 you, and any school-age siblings, may be eligible for Free School Meals from Kent County Council. The online application form can be found  by clicking here.

Any students already in receipt of FSM from KCC will continue to receive them until 31 March 2025 or until they leave school, whichever is soonest.

Students who meet the criteria are not automatically entitled to a bursary if they do not have any financial needs and/or their financial needs are covered from other sources.

If you fall under any of these categories and wish to apply for the Bursary Fund, please do complete the online application form.