End of Spring Term
Our Post 16 Open Evening took place on Wednesday 20th November from 17:30 - 19:30.
Please do view the video below to gauge what our students say about our 6th Form.
Information on our courses is available on the Course Guide menu and applications are made online via Kent Choices.
Herne Bay High School offers a co-educational 6th Form in which to study. We also offer:
On joining Herne Bay High 6th Form you will be allocated a 6th Form Mentor who will support you on your journey. Studying at 6th Form is a significant step up from GCSE and you will be encouraged to take greater responsibility for your own organisation, focus and studies.
Your key to success is to use your time wisely, become an independent learner and have a positive attitude as well as working hard.
In order to apply to HBHS Sixth Form, students must complete a formal online application via the Kent Choices website.
The Herne Bay High dates to submit your application for 2025/26 is via Kent Choices from the 21st November 2024 to the 7th February 2025 at 3pm. Applications will not be accepted after this date until GCSE results are known in August.
Our entry requirements are detailed in full on the Kent Choices website:
Timetable Blocks please read carefully: When making your application on Kent Choices, please select your 3 chosen subjects and 2 reserve subjects placing them in a ranked order or select a Pathway which will fill your timetable.
Please note: if you are applying for Level 3 Football Academy - alternative qualifications, when submitting your application, you need to select the Football course and 3 subjects or you could choose the Sport & Physical Activity Pathway, alongside the Football Academy, which will fill your timetable.
Additional optional qualifications such as Core Maths, Further Maths and the EPQ are not applied for at the Kent Choice stage further information will be provided in the 6th Form induction if you would like to undertake this course in addition to your core qualifications.
Once applications close we will review all subjects requested and may be in contact at this time to discuss your chosen subjects further.
Students should apply for the Full Level 3 Pathway and we will transfer you to the Two Plus Pathway following GCSE results if appropriate.
If you wish to make an application after this date, please make contact via 6form@hernebayhigh.org in August 2025 when GCSE results are known as detailed on our 6th Form Admissions Information.
Students entering Year 12 are expected to study three subjects for the duration of the two years. In addition, all students follow a PSHEE programme and undertake work experience.
If following the Two Plus Pathway students are expected to study two subjects plus self organised work experience for the duration of the two years, along with GCSE Maths/English resit. In addition, all students follow a PSHEE programme and undertake Work Experience. (Please note not all subjects are available on the Two Plus Pathway, see prospectus for further information).
For more details, please refer to Kent Choices
All applicants will be asked to attend a course advice meeting in March/April 2025. Please note, information will be sent home with the date and time of your course advice meeting in term 2/3. Your selected subjects will be discussed with you at this time.
Please make a formal application online through the Kent Choices website. In addition, we will require sight of your last school report and birth certificate when you come for your course advice meeting and we will apply to your school for an academic reference.
If you live outside the Kent Area, you will need to register on the Kent Choices website to be able to apply. Please follow the Before You Apply instructions on the following website to obtain this information:
Following application, you will be invited to a Careers Education Information and Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) meeting to discuss your subject choices. A letter will detail all the information required, including completing an online admissions form.
Following your course advice meeting in the Spring term, if a conditional offer has been made, the details of this will be e mailed to you via your account on the Kent Choices website.
All applicants will be required to attend our induction programme: 30 June - 2 July. Further details to follow.
Internal applicants - If you have met the requirements of your conditional offer, a letter confirming your place at HBHS will be provided on GCSE results day. This letter will provide enrolment information about when you need to attend school to obtain your timetable.
External applicants - Students transferring from other schools will need to make contact by e-mail 6form@hernebayhigh.org to confirm their place at Herne Bay High.
Enrolment will take place for successful applicants on 21st August, online following the information detailed in your Post GCSE Results letter.
If you have not met the conditional offer requirements, additional guidance interviews may be offered to enable discussions regarding alternative course or college options.
If however, you have made alternative arrangements and no longer require your place at HBHS please advise us by the 27th August, after this time we will assume your place is no longer required and will withdraw your place. Contact details are: 01227 361221 or 6form@hernebayhigh.org.
Late Applicants
If you are a late applicant for 2025/26 please complete the information requested on the Admissions Page . Please note we do not accept late applicants after the 19th September.